Did Sir Winston Churchill’s gun inspire Star Wars?
Sir Winston Churchill is more famous for defeating evil empires than giving them style tips, but a recent discovery by the Royal Armouries’ Senior Curator of Firearms Mark Murray-Flutter shows that Churchill was one of the first private owners of a Sterling-Patchett sub-machine gun
The Sterling Mk4 model famously inspired the Stormtrooper blasters in Star Wars A New Hope. The blasters in the film were even modified versions of actual Sterlings, with the Stormtrooper version being fitted with a WW2 German gun sight, B&Q drawer runners, and part of a photocopier, giving its now-iconic appearance, but still being recognisable as a Sterling Mk4.
Sterling MkII
Winston Churchill was an avid collector and user of firearms and a known expert marksman, unlike Imperial Storm Troopers Part of his collection now lives at the Royal Armouries Museum in the form of a specially gifted Sterling MkII, even having a silver plaque with part of his famous speech engraved on it. This piece was recently re-discovered after research by Mark Murray-Futter into its origin, it was found to be authentic and listed on Churchill’s personal Firearms Certificate. After he died it was sold by his son, then eventually gifted to the Royal Armouries in 2005.
To quote Mark about this exciting discovery:
“To have one of his firearms, especially as there are so few, in the collection is amazing as it allows us to explore the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill, one of the most important figures of the 20th century…”
Churchill was gifted 500 round of ammunition by Sterling as well, and almost certainly shot the weapon. So if you ever pictured Churchill shooting a Star Wars blaster, you might not have been far wrong.

The Plaque says: The Rt Hon Winston Churchill M.P, Prime Minister 1940-1945. He inspired the nation – “We shall fight on the beaches, on the landing ground…. in the fields…. in the streets…. in the hills…. we shall never surrender.” House of commons 4th of June 1940.
Other inspirations
Churchill also inspired the alien Admiral Raddus in Star Wars Rogue One, giving the wartime Prime Minister quite the sci-fi resume.
Special Edition E11 Blaster
We are proud to present our Royal Armouries special edition E11 Blaster. Created by Shepperton Design Studios, producers of the original Star Wars Stormtrooper armour in 1976, this fantastic replica includes all the features of the most complicated blaster used in A New Hope
Find this interesting? We explore the links between cultural icons and real-life weaponry in the Royal Armouries upcoming exhibit Make: Believe, opening later this month.
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